Fabienne and Roland Lamprecht, born and raised in Basel, Switzerland, with the two boys Kolja and Youri are proud to accommodate you, bake
for you and craft with you since 2019.
Ballyroe offers a place to stay, to eat and to craft. We operate all year round
and have two apartments in a separate cottage and three very unique shepherd's huts.
As Ballyroe is also our Family home, we are around to answer any questions you
may have.
Ballyroe is also home of our "Little Bread Factory" where we bake breads
freshly for our guests and the community of West Cork.
In addition to the accomodation and the "Little Bread Factory", we use the property to host different events, e.g. "be a candlemaker".
Our "microfarm" is providing us and you with veggies, eggs and fruits, some of it is processed into jams and much more.